
Quality Control of Rice and Other Fine Grains

Rice Analyzer

Have a rice day!

Quality Control of Rice and
Other Fine Grains

Perform sample quality control in just a few minutes, objectively and with full traceability. Generate accurate quality reports with data and images. Add technology and reliability to your Quality Management.


Technical Specification

Multispectral analysis RGB

Infrared 850 / 940nm

2D Granulometry

Length and width measurement.

Analysis and classification

Defects and foreign bodies

Accurate reports

with data, graphics and images.


60 sec. per sample of 100 grs.

Results tickets

Instant ticket emition including main data.

Save the results
of the samples

Allowing the generation of reports that include data, charts of the sample results, as well as images of grains with defects.

A fundamental and innovative tool for optimizing and standardizing physical purity quality control.

Its powerful artificial vision software is capable of detecting grains with characteristic and subtle defects such as: chipped, scratched, poorly polished, scorched, amber, white belly, chalky, varietal mix, broken, and others.

Manufactured in Argentina with IEC 61010 certification.

Rice Analyzer has been recognized as an Innovation in the 2021 edition of the INNOVAR awards organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Argentina.

Manufactured in Argentina with IEC 61010 certification.

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